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Gift Wrapping

Gift Wrapping

Your items, wrapped by hand in handmade papers and tied with fine cord or ribbon. When choosing options keep the following in mind: Small, 1-3 items such as balm, incense, and so on; medium will accommodate 4-6 items; Large would be for as much as one of everything in the shop. Custom talismans always come with wrapping included. 

If you choose to have the item shipped directly to the recipient, I will not include a packing slip, invoice, or any indication of cost.

  • Shipping Damages or Losses

    In a perfect world, a section like this one would not be necessary, but sadly, the postal service has been damaging packages more and more of late. Mortellus wishes they could replace every single one in the rare instance that this happens (and sometimes does) but can't in every instance. If you'd like shipping insurance, reach out before placing your order (tracking numbers are always provided). Otherwise, if something goes sideways in the mail, reach out and Mortellus will do all that they can to assist, but as a general policy: Mortellus is not responsible for items damaged or lost in shipping, and cannot offer replacements.

PriceFrom $5.00
Excluding Sales Tax |
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