Witch, Necromancer, Mortician, Medium and Author
The purpose of an author is to preserve knowledge... the purpose of any who work with the dead is to preserve the history of humanity in flesh and headstone. Mortellus hopes they are able to accomplish those goals in some part. Take a look around, and enjoy everything from Mortellus' latest work to their past projects.
The Bones Fall in a Spiral
Coming October 3rd, 2023
Available in softcover, as well as limited edition hard cover through Crossed Crow Books.
Learn what necromancy is, is not, and can be with this guide to the magic of death and how you can build a meaningful, modern practice. From the nature of a soul to necromantic tools and materials, Mortellus guides you in working magically with the dead. They teach you how to develop a relationship with cemeteries, work with remains, and become an active part of the death magic community.

About Mortellus
Mortellus is a lineaged Third Degree Gardnerian High Priestex of the Long Island Line and author of the award winning Do I Have To Wear Black? and current best-seller The Bones Fall in a Spiral. Presently hard at work editing "Necrobotany, The Morticulture of Death" for its spring 2025 release date. In addition to their role as High Priestex, Mortellus is a Mortician, and holds degrees in Design, Education, Fine Arts, and Mortuary Sciences. Their areas of expertise include necromancy, necrobotany, mediumship, and the funerary rites of minority faith groups. Currently residing in Western North Carolina on two acres that doubles as the Covenstead for the Coven of Leaves with their spouse, six-year-old twins, and dog; and generally wishing there was a better way to cram their adult child off at college into a bio, and more time in the day for hiding in the studio and playing with clay.
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Chuck Palahniuk
"We all die. The goal isn't to live forever, the goal is to create something that will."